Technological innovations, the digital revolution, and the advent of a new type of consumer — increasingly attentive, demanding, and connected — have changed many sectors of our society.
The economic sector that has been most affected by this digital transformation is retail.
After all, with the internet, our way of buying goods or services has changed drastically, given that we are now used to shopping online, reading comments and opinions from others before buying something and possibly receiving the object we purchase directly at home. So our behaviors change, but as we’ll see, so do the players and the way they build their business. The internet, in fact, represents a resource, or even more precisely, an opportunity that all retailers have at their fingertips to be more effective, efficient, and, above all, relevant for consumers.
So, then, is digital transformation good or bad for retail?
We will talk about all of this in this whitepaper, trying to give an overall picture of the situation and providing some interesting examples to hypothesize the trends that will impact the market in the future.
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From boutique to e-commerce: A new way of doing retail in the time of digital transformation
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