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The evolution of large-scale distribution: when "Phygital" becomes reality

In the infographic, learn about the evolution of the world of Mass Distribution, the concept of Phygital, and future prospects for the industry.

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Download the free infographic to learn more about the evolution of large-scale distribution: when "Phygital" becomes reality!


The large-scale distribution is a type of retailer that is realized through a series of points of sale, organized in large areas and, generally, belongs to an organization or a group that manages several points of sale marked by one or more common commercial brands (the so-called distribution chain).

One of the most important goals for large scale distributors is to maximize consumer loyalty. How are loyalty programs translated into concrete actions? The answer today is digital: the so-called "Phygital" hybrid!

What are we talking about? Find out in the free infographic!

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The evolution of large-scale distribution: when "Phygital" becomes reality
