Fastweb, a specialist in telephony and broadband connections, began its digitization process in 2009 with the creation of a personalized mini-site using Doxee Pweb® technology. The need for increasingly personalized and interactive communication has led Fastweb to implement the Doxee Pvideo® technology to create a personalized videos.
Doxee capabilities allowed Fastweb to address all critical issues listed and deployed the Doxee Enterprise Communication platform for all customer communication needs. This included consumer and business bills, dunning letters and supply chain.
Your customers are not numbers, they ’re people. Doxee ix, Doxee Pvideo®, and Doxee Pweb® products can improve the customer's perception of your company and your products. Thanks to personalized and engaging videos by Doxee Pvideo® and Pweb's interactive micro-websites based on HTML5, we’ll help you explain and convey complex content in a clear and effective way.
Doxee Pvideo®
Frees your creativity: with personalized videos, storytelling has no limits and can be adapted to any type of customer, thanks to personalized content. Integrated speech synthesis ensures personalized and detailed narration up to the single variable field.
Doxee Pweb®
Our interactive microsite service combines the flexibility and interactivity of a web page with the ability to engage personalized content, maximizing conversion rates and providing your customers with rich and personalized information based on their tastes and needs.
The successful case study of Fastweb
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